Paying attention to social media trends is important, you must stay up to date to be able to use social media effectively. What’s cool one day may be out the next. Staying relevant to your business social media accounts is essential to building your base. But, there are so many different social media platforms now, and each has its own set of standards and etiquette. A viral meme “The Dolly Parton Challenge” blew up all over social media at the beginning of the year. This meme is a perfect example of how to act on different platforms.
The meme was created and first posted by Dolly Parton, featuring her in four different photos. The Times reported about the photo saying, “The post was a collage of sorts divided into a four-square grid showing who she would choose to share with the world on LinkedIn (sharp suiting prospective employers!/) Facebook (a Christmas sweater for the relatives!/) Instagram (a strong sense of personal style for all the internet pals!/) and finally Tinder (a costume for potential flames!/)”. At the top she looks professional and says “LinkedIn”, the photos get more casual from Facebook, Instagram, and finally Tinder. Now, your business probably will not be on Tinder anytime soon but there is still much to be learned here! The meme was copied many times, by other celebrities, influencers, and even pets, it can teach us a lot about how social media platforms work.
So, as Dolly Parton showed us, LinkedIn is the more professional side of social media. This is the place to share all about your business. On this platform, your profile photo should be more professional, and you share less about your life. Why is it different? Well, you will have different connections on there, and it uses a different algorithm. You may have your family as connections on there, but you likely have a lot more business and professional connections. They don’t need to see you in your holiday sweater. When setting up your profile to correctly fit the etiquette of Linkedin, be sure to stay true to your brand. You want to include your relevant work history in your bio, but you can also now add links and media.
Linkedin is the place that is most appropriate to promote your business. Here you can post on your personal account and your business account. It is important to differentiate each profile because it will determine who sees it. If you post from your business account, only those who follow the business page will see it! If you post from your personal account, then your connections will see it.
With Facebook, you can get a little more personal, as few people use it to keep up professional connections. Just make sure that your image is protected, and you only show what you want to the world. Remember that the photos you post on there could be seen by potential clients and customers. If you post about your business from your personal page, it will likely just be to update your friends and family about its goings-on and garner support from them. If you ever want to reach out to someone in your industry or look for a new business connection, Facebook is not the place to do it- that would be a task for Linkedin.
Similar to Linkedin, you may also create a separate business page on Facebook that will not be associated with your personal profile. In the same way that you are more casual with what you post on your Facebook page, you can also be more casual with your business page posts. Take the formality down a notch when posting on your business Facebook page. Keep in mind that a business page and a personal profile are different and operate differently. Only followers of your page will see what you post on your page. Facebook is great to be more interactive with your followers, you can make polls, ask questions, and interact!
Both Instagram and Twitter and on a much more personal level. The Instagram algorithm
and the platform operates differently from Facebook and Linkedin. Firstly, it is composed of only images and captions so posts are inherently different. Secondly, it will be the least formal platform of the three. You can also create a business account on Instagram which will give you access to some analytics that personal accounts do not have, but other than that the accounts will look and operate largely in the same manner. Instagram is a platform where you can develop your brand's voice and, being more casual, it is prime real estate to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Keep in mind, it is more acceptable to reach out to another brand that you would like to talk to on Instagram than it is on Facebook. Direct messaging a brand is a great way to get attention and is more likely to be answered than messaging a CEO on Linkedin.
Find out which platform works best for you and your brand and build on your success there. But, do not neglect the others, there may be untapped potential there. Each platform gives you a chance to represent your brand in a different light and network. Whichever network you are operating on remember to stay true to your voice. If you need help with your social media, perhaps its time to hire someone to do it for you! First Union Lending can help with the funds you need, to get started click here.