As a small business owner, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about the consumer. Who are those customers that need your products or service? Which ones might be the best fit for you? You also want to find those consumers that you actually enjoy working with. The concept of buyer personas isn't necessarily new, but it is important in terms of creating the type of content that attracts those clients who are a great fit for your business. In other words, by generating content aligned with an ideal buyer persona for your company, you will inevitably get more and better leads and thus stimulate sales.
Understanding Buyer Personas
You begin by visualizing your ideal client. You might speak to some existing customers with whom you've had success working. Do your research, and upon gathering all relevant data, begin to "sketch out" the buyer persona you want to see walking through the door, in a manner of speaking. Put as much information as you can into the sketch—the more details, the better able you will be to understand this person and thereby create a content campaign geared toward them.
Beyond approaching your current customers, you might also get pertinent information to construct your buyer persona through analytics. Email opt-ins are another way that companies use to not only reach people but consequently find out about the people who are in fact signing up.
The members of your team are also great sources of information when it comes to creating an ideal buyer persona. They're out there interacting with customers on a daily basis. What commonalities among consumers are they seeing? Are they noticing any changes depending on certain promotions and sales?
When analyzing the information you do gather, look for any trends and patterns. What are some common attributes and characteristics of your buyers? What type of behavior are they exhibiting on your social media platforms?
In bringing everything together, the key is to segment—as you're probably going to create multiple personas, you want to be sure and separate them according to things like age, income level, job status. This will then enable you to create more comprehensive and ultimately effective marketing campaigns.
If you are about to launch a new marketing campaign and need cash to do so, First Union Lending is here to help. Call today to see which of our business loan programs best suits your company's needs!