You may have a sales funnel that you truly believe; in fact, your sales funnel may have all the right components and yet it doesn't seem to be doing anything by way of conversions. So now what…Your funnel could be brilliantly constructed; however, if it is missing two essential ingredients, then it really won't be producing results. All sales funnels require a steady stream of traffic as well as a solution or offer that directly addresses your audience's problem. Upon getting these elements lined up, you then need to look at the strategy that you've implemented via your funnel.
In many ways, a sales funnel should be a relationship builder. You want to use it to nurture those potential customer relationships. It is all about making the buyer experience the best it can be. A few tips to consider when creating your sales funnel…
1. Is Your Sales Funnel Personalized: People don't just want to be one among the masses. Get their name at the opt-in phase—use it! Remember, nowadays people tend to buy from those who directly address their needs and wants. Whatever you can do to make the process individualized will go a long way toward winning consumers over.
2. Is the Pathway Easily Followable: And not only that but is it interesting? The more intriguing you can make the funnel, the more likely consumers will be to stay in it. The key to accomplishing an easily followable and fun pathway is to do a bit of research. First off, make sure you're targeting the right segment and consequently offering the right product to that audience. The more defined the path, odds are, customers will continue to come back time and time again.
3. Is it About Profit: You're in business to make money? Audiences understand this, and so they consequently expect to be pitched to, to come across promotions and sales. This is an essential part of the funnel process. You thus need to have relevant CTA's and then proceed to sell to your target market.
At First Union Lending, we are in the business of helping smaller companies expand and thrive. What could you do with a business loan—new marketing campaign perhaps, or maybe roll out new products. We would love to help! Call today to see what we can do for you.