The events of 2020 have certainly created some havoc especially when it comes to business and industry. And as more and more people are starting to come back to work, or looking for work depending on the state of their former company, many business owners are discovering that they do have their pick of talent in some respects. That said, it is critical to know exactly who you are hiring. Some people have fundamentally changed, though their resume may not reflect this. But having gone through a crisis, some may have been impacted in crucial ways. One such group, however, that generally shows overall resilience and resourcefulness in tough times, the ability to bounce back on a moment's notice, are in fact veterans. One of the things we are seeing more of is the company's hiring veterans precisely because of their ability to navigate their way quite adroitly through a crisis. What do veterans bring to the table: a unique perspective when it comes to handling challenges, even great challenge, a diverse background and a knack for coping with stressful situations that some others simply don't have. Below are a few of the other key qualities that veterans have which suggest they would make excellent employees as we continue to deal with this crisis.
Veterans understand how to function in chaotic moments. And it goes beyond merely their character. Veterans have been trained to function during situations in which chaos often reigns. Despite the branch, despite their role and rank, they have all been trained to understand how to deal with that which may seem completely out of control; their approach is one of calmness and steadiness most often. The focus on discipline from the very beginning of their introduction to the armed forces does go a long way toward enabling them to maintain a calmer head regardless of the turbulence ensuing all around them.
Remote work comes naturally to many veterans. The past couple of months have seen a dramatic shift in the way workplaces function. More people than not have been or are continuing to work from home. For veterans, in some cases, this remote work shift is second nature to them. That is because they are often used to deploying—multiple times. They are resilient as far as being suddenly taken out of a familiar environment and still being able to function optimally. Definitely a plus in our current atmosphere.
Veterans have experience balancing that personal and professional dynamic. Again, in light of the drastic shift to remote work, many have had to confront the challenges that arise when the personal and professional collide. Much military personnel spends their lives enmeshed in this dynamic. Often for them, personal and professional do blend, confusingly so, and yet they manage to rise above such circumstances and perform the job at hand. Such grey areas are nothing new to them. And consequently, they understand how to conduct themselves both while on duty and off as well.
They are used to having to pivot in terms of their career. The word pivot is one we are hearing quite often now. Businesses are having to pivot in terms of their model and how it fits into a post-pandemic world. Individuals as well are having to pivot as far as their job roles and more largely, their careers. Given the recent difficulties faced (which we still face/) such pivots are proving incredibly tough for many people. When it comes to veterans though, this again is something that they are very much used to. During their time served, many military personnel is asked to change jobs, train on new jobs, switch assignments. Being flexible and being able to adjust, even on the fly if need be, are part and parcel of what someone in the military has to do. And then also upon transitioning from military life to civilian life, this represents a huge pivot. They are thus more likely to be ready in this current climate to accommodate any major changes that need to be put into place.
They can show HR how to support people in some ways. One of the keys, especially now, is for companies to offer support to the whole person. That is to say, it's about more than just job support, as health and well being is at stake in the environment in which we now find ourselves. From coping with new working arrangements to kids being out of school to the general anxiety felt across the board, people are dealing with issues beyond just that presented by the job itself. HR departments are having to address those things that previously they may not have had to. Those coming from a military background do understand the need to engage that whole person, to dig deeper when it comes to supporting and guidance offered.
Veterans understand how to come together and collaborate in multi-dimensional ways. Veteran support groups have historically offered opportunities for people to support one another in several critical ways, not to mention, they afford more meaningful lines of communication. Such support groups point to important resources and give direct guidance. For companies, this is going to be increasingly important in the coming months. That underlying support could be the difference between making it through and floundering miserably.
Veterans are such a huge resource to this country. And in a time of crisis, their skillset and know-how are undeniable. And this is precisely why so many companies are looking to veterans to fill now vacant positions in a post-pandemic world. They have the talent, resilience, and understanding to help businesses navigate their way through the most challenging moments.
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