Perhaps your current marketing plan seems to be falling flat. Leads have dried up, customers aren't calling with as much frequency. And ultimately, you are becoming frustrated by the lack of business you seem to be getting. This might be a good time to reenergize your current marketing initiatives. It never hurts to try something new. Especially with evolving technological as well as digital avenues, you want to be sure you stay on top of the marketing game!
Here are just a few steps you can take as you set out to redefine your current outdated marketing plan.
Revisit your target market. Customers are at the heart of any marketing plan. Perhaps your demographic has shifted some. Maybe your message is no longer as relevant to that demographic as it once was. Reintroducing yourself to your market is a great start. You may even want to think about enlisting some data analytics help on this front.
Revamp your website. Way too often companies remain complacent about their site. Five years ago it may have been a killer site, now it definitely has some room for improvement. Websites need to be updated and maintained. You can't afford to let it just sit.
Introduce a bold new email campaign. Email is a cheap and effective way to add a little oomph to your marketing efforts. Make sure your emails are catchy, attractive and interesting, as the last thing you want is for them to be marked as spam.
Track those competitors. If your competitors seem to be getting more business than you, there's probably a reason. Do your homework—what are they doing that you're not?
At First Union, we've helped a number of small companies launch a brand new marketing plan, and we can certainly do the same for you. Call today and inquire about our lines of credit and short term loan programs. Let's get your business booming again!