By: First Union
Is Your Insulation Company Marketing the Right Way?
The good news: everyone needs insulation and most, especially if they live in an older home, will probably need to update their insulation. The bad news: if you're not marketing effectively then it is going to be quite hard for potential customers to find you. So what are some smart ways that you can market your insulation company, get the word out there, and draw in more customers?
Know Your Product
With insulation, there is somewhat of a learning curve—especially with all of the latest products on the market. From closed cell polyurethane foam, to open cell foam to even insulation composed of recycled materials, you want to be able to speak knowledgeably about the insulation before you even engage in a heavy marketing campaign. First and foremost, a homeowner wants to trust what you're saying and trust that your company will do a quality job.
Understand the Seasons
Insulation to some degree is a seasonal endeavor. People really don't start thinking about insulating or re-insulating until the weather turns colder. One thing you might do is start a campaign to encourage prospective clients to start understanding that insulation issues should not be left until the snow starts flying. Maybe even offer a discount for summer projects.
Don't Be Afraid to Go Digital
Believe it or not many insulation companies don't have much of an online presence. Their website, if available, is fairly dated, and their social media nonexistent. Other than yard signs, one of the first places people will go is the internet to look up insulation providers. You definitely want to ensure they find your business there!
First Union has worked with a multitude of insulation companies. We know that it can be a fairly competitive environment which is why you need every advantage you can get. We'd love to discuss any marketing plans you have and see how our financing programs might help you get them off the ground! Call today and let's talk.