Did you know that baby boomers control about 70% of the disposable income in the United States? Smart businesses target much of their marketing at the generation of people born from 1946 to 1964. However, you can't market to baby boomers the same way you market to millennials.
Baby boomers interact with the world, especially technology, much differently than younger generations. You should use different marketing techniques for each generation for best results.
Here are 10 top tips for marketing to baby boomers.
#1 –Focus on Grammar and Avoid Abbreviations and Slang
While younger generations love slang and abbreviations, baby boomers prefer proper grammar. You don't want to confuse or annoy boomers, so spell things out clearly for them. This shouldn't be too difficult since your marketing will differ depending on which generation you are gearing your marketing toward.
If you need to use an abbreviation, spell it out the first time you use it. Don't assume that baby boomers will understand what an abbreviation is short for.
#2 – Avoid Clickbait
Everybody hates being tricked into reading an article that isn't relevant to the title. Baby boomers, in particular, will lose trust for a brand that uses clickbait. They're also intelligent enough not to fall for clickbait titles in the first place.
Baby boomers love to do a ton of research before buying anything. The impulse shop less than other generations. Don't turn them away from your valuable content with clickbait titles.
#3 – Favor Facebook Over Other Social Media Sites
Around 90% of baby boomers prefer Facebook over Instagram. The most preferred social media platform among baby boomers is Facebook, by a long shot.
Determine what Facebook pages your ideal baby boomer customer visits. Then, target Facebook advertising at those sites to attract baby boomers to your website.
Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat may be great for marketing toward younger generations. However, it isn't a good use of your marketing budget to target advertising at baby boomers on those platforms.
#4 – Avoid the Word "Old"
Baby boomers HATE being referred to as "old." They're only 55 to 73 years old, and most of them feel like they're in the prime of their life. After all, people are living longer than ever, and many expect to live into their 80s or 90s.
Baby boomers are starting to retire, have adventures, and travel the world. Appeal to this aspect of the generation over their age. It's also important to avoid isolating younger generations when you market toward baby boomers.
The tiniest hint of an implication that a baby boomer is old will immediately turn them away from your product. Be very careful with all your marketing copy.
#5 – Talk About Improving Their Lifestyle
Baby boomers are at a time of their life where they want to improve their lifestyle. They are also the most likely to have the disposable income to do so.
Talk about how your product can help enrich their lives and why they should spend their money on it. If they understand how they'll benefit, they're more likely to buy your product.
#6 – Provide Excellent Customer Service
Little upsets baby boomers more than terrible customer service. They get frustrated with automated phone services and get angry when their calls aren't returned promptly.
Great customer service helps your company and brand as a whole. However, baby boomers grew up having one-on-one interactions and have less patience for poor customer service.
#7 – Don't Bother with Hashtags
Baby boomers generally don't use hashtags, and many don't understand how or why they are used. Don't bother using hashtags in any marketing directed toward baby boomers. It's more likely to confuse, rather than attract, boomers.
To them, a hashtag is a pound sign and denotes a phone number. Boomers don't appreciate its use in front of a word or phrase.
#8 – Make Sure Your Website Looks Good on Both Mobile Devices and Computer Screens
While baby boomers still prefer to do most of their research on computers, they are increasingly using phones and tablets. More than half of people 60 to 69 and nearly ¾ of people 50-59 own a smartphone.
It's critical for your website to look good on all screens, no matter the size. This is good advice for all your marketing efforts, not just for baby boomers.
#9 – Be Consistent
Younger generations may be more forgiving if you aren't consistent. However, baby boomers expect consistency and will lose respect for a brand that doesn't do what it says it will.
Don't announce a weekly blog, for example, then post them late each week. Baby boomers will notice the inconsistency more than other generations.
#10 – Consider Making Television Commercials
While younger generations consume most of their media digitally, baby boomers still watch television. Television commercials are a great way to target baby boomers with your marketing efforts. There is less risk of turning off younger potential customers because they're less likely to watch TV.
Funding Your Marketing to Baby Boomers
Marketing can be expensive. If you've recently decided to expand your marketing efforts to target boomers, you may need a loan to get started. With these tips, you should have more luck targeting baby boomers with your marketing efforts.
If you need help funding your marketing to baby boomers, First Union Lending is here to help.
First Union has 9 different loan options to choose from. That means you'll be able to find the best loan for your needs.
Our lending specialists want to talk to you, learn about your lending needs, and help you pick the right loan. The online application form is easy to use and won't affect your credit.
To talk to one of our financial experts, call 863-825-5626 or click here. They'll walk you through the loan options and help you find what works best for your needs.
With these tips and a loan to finance your marketing efforts, you can have baby boomers lining up for you.