As restrictions in many states begin to loosen, small businesses are looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. For the past couple of months, companies have had to cut down on hours, staff, or shut their doors altogether. Needless to say, the pandemic has most definitely taken its toll on the country's economic future, not to mention, the fate of America's small businesses. While not all states have opened back up, many are in the process of doing just that, with more scheduled to follow suit in the next couple of weeks. Below is a breakdown of where each state currently stands and what potential reopenings could mean for your company.
Among those that are opened or opening:
TEXAS: Now open for business, those in the state of Texas who have stores, restaurants, and theaters can open to 25% capacity. Social distancing measures must remain effective. While places such as bars and gyms are still closed, the governor is looking to reopen those in the next couple of weeks.
FLORIDA: Minus the 3 hardest-hit counties, restaurants and shops in Florida have been reopened, also with limited capacity restrictions. Salons however along with the gyms are still closed to the public.
TENNESSEE: As of May 6, all of Tennessee is essentially opened for business with social distancing measures adhered to.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Much of South Carolina also is opened, to include parks and beaches. The close contact businesses, however, are still not allowed to reopen.
OKLAHOMA: Last week the state allowed restaurants, shops, and bars to open. They also gave the go-ahead to gyms and churches. And Oklahoma has allowed close contact businesses such as salons to reopen as well.
MONTANA: With their stay at home order lifted, most businesses in Montana can resume operations as long as masks are worn and sanitation measures followed.
UTAH: As of last Friday, restaurants, salons, and gyms were able to open. As with other states, everyone is required to follow distancing guidelines and wear masks.
COLORADO: As of May 1, most businesses were allowed to reopen in Colorado. For nonessential businesses, however, they must do so with limited staff and capacity requirements.
OHIO: In Ohio businesses such as gyms, restaurants and salons still do remain closed. Health care offices though have been reopened with limited appointments. All social distancing and masking requirements must be adhered to.
ARKANSAS: On May 6, the state allowed hair salons and tattoo shops to reopen, as several other non-essential businesses and stores had already opened. Beginning next week, restaurants can open at 13 capacity.
MISSOURI: This past Monday much of the state reopened. Restaurants and other such venues have to follow all relevant guidelines.
WEST VIRGINIA: Most hospitality venues in the state are still closed, with restaurants being able to offer outdoor dining options. Barbershops and churches are among those that can officially reopen.
ALASKA: Alaska opened much of the state's businesses on April 24, with the requirement that face coverings are used and distancing measures followed.
VERMONT: Vermont so far has only allowed construction and manufacturing companies to fully reopen. They are now in the process of also allowing retailers to open, limiting the number of visitors to 10.
LOUISIANA: Restaurants can do outdoor seating and malls can offer curbside service to customers. For other retail stores, they are limited to ten people at any given time. Gyms, salons, and other such venues are still closed until at least the 15th.
Slower to Reopen
MICHIGAN: Many businesses are still closed while restaurants can offer pickup/delivery. Construction and firms that work outdoors can resume operations.
ARIZONA: Still no official timetable, much of the state is closed until at least the 15th. Smaller retailers can open while adhering to distancing and capacity measures.
KENTUCKY: As of now various health offices can reopen. Next week the state plans to allow construction and manufacturing work to begin.
NORTH CAROLINA: The stay at home order here ends Friday, that said, there are only going to be phased openings across the state.
IDAHO: Restaurants are still limited to curbside or delivery services. Churches have been allowed to reopen, while bars, gyms, and salons remain closed.
INDIANA: So far the word is that gyms, theaters, and casinos, etc. will remain closed until the later part of the month. Next week, the state will once again allow restaurants and salons to open. The plan is to have the state fully opened by the fourth of July.
KANSAS: Restaurants have been allowed to open but with groups no larger than ten distanced from each other. Most nonessential businesses will be able to reopen by May 18.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: The stay-at-home order here will remain in effect until May 31. On May 11, the state will allow retailers and hair salons to reopen but with limitations. Restaurants are allowed to do outdoor dining starting May 18.
PENNSYLVANIA: This Friday the stay at home order will be lifted and many businesses allowed to resume operations. As of now, golf courses and campgrounds have been given the go-ahead.
RHODE ISLAND: On May 8, the state will begin their phased reopening. Parks and beaches are among the first that'll be allowed to reopen.
MISSISSIPPI: Restaurants will be allowed to reopen this week with 50% capacity. Masks must be worn by staff. The stay at home order expires on May 11.
VIRGINIA: Virginia will allow more businesses to open next week. The stay at home order expires on May 15.
WYOMING: As of May 1, the state allowed salons and tattoo shops to reopen. Wyoming is approaching reopening on a county by county basis.
NEBRASKA: Restaurants have been reopened with limited capacity restrictions. The same goes for salons and tattoo shops.
IOWA: Some restrictions have been loosened, though Iowa is taking a wait and see approach in terms of how the virus acts.
NORTH DAKOTA: Most businesses here reopened last Friday with limitations on the number of people that could gather. Schools here are not reopening.
SOUTH DAKOTA: South Dakota never had a stay at home order; they are adhering to social distancing measures and encouraging groups to stay under ten.
Still No Definitive Dates
CONNECTICUT: The target date to start phased reopening is May 20 with restaurants, salons, and retail shops to have restrictions in terms of capacity and distance measures.
CALIFORNIA: California is approaching reopening on a county by county basis. On Monday a few counties were allowed to reopen with customer limits. There is no definitive statewide reopening in place yet.
NEW YORK: The epicenter of the virus, NY will remain closed until at least the 15th. Some upstate and western NY regions may be allowed to gradually reopen upon that date.
NEW JERSEY: So far New Jersey has allowed some parks, golf courses, and other such venues to open. There is no full reopening date set yet.
ILLINOIS: Nonessential business could start taking phone orders and offering curbside pickup as of May 1. State parks have for the most part reopened.
NEVADA: In mid-May, the state plans to begin reopening; however, no decision has been made as far as restaurants, salons, and bars, etc.
MASSACHUSETTS: Starting May 18, the state will begin a gradual and phased reopening of nonessential businesses, though they aren't yet sure how exactly that will look.
MARYLAND: Maryland is waiting to see a downward trend in coronavirus cases before making any definitive decisions regarding a reopening timeline. Though early May is a target start date.
WISCONSIN: Right now the stay at home order goes through May 26th. They, however, are hoping to begin reopening certain businesses sooner than that.
NEW MEXICO: New Mexico has started to allow parks to open and they are gradually lifting some restrictions, though by and large the state remains closed until the 15th.
DELAWARE: Delaware has no plan set in place at this time for reopening; they are waiting to see a downward trend in the number of COVID-19 cases.
MAINE: As of May 1, salons, dentists, parks, and golf courses were allowed to reopen with restrictions. On June 1 is when they are looking to start reopening restaurants and other such venues.
If your small business has been affected, First Union Lending would love to help. Call today to see if our flexible business loan programs are right for you.