When you first started your business, odds are you did almost everything yourself. You wore a number of hats and probably nearly burned yourself out trying to keep them all on. As the business grows, you simply can't sustain all of the multi-tasking and still have some semblance of a life. You might think about hiring employees. But in some cases this may not be feasible given the requirements of payroll, not to mention insurances. This is why many small businesses are turning to outsource more and more.
From the technology end of things to copywriting, finding freelance professionals to help you with certain aspects of the business is a cost-effective way to get the help you need and keep things running smoothly.
IT. One of the main reasons companies outsource their IT is to clamp down on security breaches. Depending on what kind of business you have, you may be handling very sensitive information; the last thing you want is a breach. A skilled IT person can be an asset as they help you align your IT functions and keep your data safe.
Accounting. Outsourcing your bookkeeping might be a great way to free up your plate. Let's face it, you're focused on operations, and sometimes you may overlook things, things may slip through the cracks, accounting errors can be costly ones. Having someone deal with payroll, taxes, and even just the everyday details could potentially save you a ton of money in the long run.
Marketing. Freelance marketers can perform a variety of functions. From helping design a website to maintaining your social media, to updating your blog, their creativity may be just the spark you need to take your company to the next level.
If you need more hands on deck but don't want to hire fulltime employees then we suggest outsourcing. Given how digital everything's become you no longer need to be housed within the same office space to work effectively together. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm yourself—if you need help, it's time to get it.
At First Union, we have helped many businesses with outsourcing. We have the funds to help you. Call today to find out!