For numerous small businesses across the country, worker safety is an issue—but is it being made as big an issue as it should be? Many companies are wary that focusing too much on safety measures will ultimately cut into their bottom line. And yet, by ignoring or skirting around certain safety standards, that bottom line can be hurt all the more.
Unlike many larger companies with extensive resources devoted specifically to maintaining rigid safety standards, smaller companies generally don't have this luxury. Recent research has shown that as compared to bigger businesses, small companies have an injury rate that is 3.7 per 100 employees, versus 3.3.
There are however measures that can be implemented and precautions taken about worker safety that won't necessarily break the bank and that are within the reach of small companies. First off, without question, it needs to start with leadership. Employees take their cues from those in charge—if the team leader seems little concerned with safety then this negative message will consequently resonate.
Also, when hiring new people, you have to do so with an eye on those candidates who do take safety seriously. In other words, those who will not be reckless in their performance and/or do such things that may put others in the company at risk of injury.
Safety doesn't have to cost a fortune. There are free resources available to help small businesses get started with amping up safety efforts. OSHA also has online resources to help make businesses more aware of some workplace dangers that do threaten regularly. OSHA will also perform annual inspections to help pinpoint some of the weaknesses and gaps in a company's overall safety plan. Becoming aware of these is a necessary first step in changing your workplace approach to worker safety.
If your business is in need of business funding whether it's to hire employees or have a safety plan in place, First Union Lending can help. We offer many business loan products that can benefit your business. Let's talk about your options!