We have spent a lot of time explaining how to make happier employees, one of the most effective ways to make people happy is to have some fun.
Happy employees are more productive, take less time off due to illness which all leads to higher profitability.
Here are some fun ways to create a more fun workplace:
- Pass out happiness reports randomly
- Have a happy hour, don’t let employees off early to deal with their lives, let them have a free hour at work to do as they please
- Make meetings happier and less stressful
- Give team members permission to be happy
- Don’t hold onto grudges and move forward
Let team members personalize their workspace, play games or generally be silly. We all know how we act in front of the ones closest to us or while alone and that silliness is kept out of the workplace. While work is a serious matter, those little moments of stress relief can only make your employees happier.
At First Union, we love seeing businesses thrive. One way to do this is to make your employees happy. When employees are happy, they tend to perform better, resulting in more profit for your company. If your business is in need of funds to improve your employee satisfaction, we can help. Call today!