There are a ton of business ideas out there. For those though who are searching for something a little more creative and imaginative to do as far as a business, you may have to think outside the box a bit. Especially if you're really passionate about something, trying to blend your passion with an idea for a company can be a challenge, but if you figure it out, it can also be a truly rewarding experience. We've compiled some unique and creative business ideas that you might consider starting now!
Consulting - Yes, consulting can be creative—it's all in your approach. What are your skills? What are you good at? And of course, what are you passionate about? Take this information and use it to create a dynamic consulting business model. Whether in the field of business, health and well being, marketing and advertising, even medicine, consulting are wide open. It just takes figuring out exactly what your specialty and/or niche area is.
Marketing - Marketers are definitely in high demand. With more and more companies popping up online especially, businesses need to find ingenious ways to get noticed. This is where your creative skills come into play. If you can help companies execute their vision and discover ways to create a buzz around their brand, you will be well on your way to a successful marketing business.
Copywriting - If you have a writer's spirit and a little creative flair, then copywriting might be a great business for you to look into. Everything from blog posts to ad jingles, to social media captions—companies need good writing. They need someone to take their message and craft it into something spectacular.
Event Planning - Not only does this job let you express your creative side, but it can also be a lot of fun! Helping people and/or businesses plan their events does take organization and the ability to delegate. But it also takes someone with a vision. You have to be able to see how things might unfold and then execute accordingly. You need a bit of design expertise, people skills and most certainly a great deal of creativity.
Photography - Photography is perhaps one of the most creative fields in which you can become immersed. From weddings to baby photos, to all sorts of special events, there's always a need for someone who knows how to create art with a camera. Videography also falls within this category. Being able to express yourself through a lens and ultimately tell a vibrant story is what will make you a sought after photographer.
Graphic Design - With the need for things like Photoshop and 3D animation, graphic design has become a potentially profitable field. If you have an eye for art, are skilled at painting and drawing, know your way around illustrating software, then this may be a business you should consider. Businesses hire graphic design firms all the time for help with newsletters and brochures, not to mention website work. There is always a need for someone who can provide strong visual imagery.
Catering - If you like to cook and what's more like to entertain, then perhaps you should start a catering company. People love to gather together for special occasions or even just because, but they don't necessarily want to deal with the hassle of cooking and cleaning. This is where a top-notch catering company comes in. And with this business, you can start right from home. Initially, the overhead is fairly low, and so you have plenty of opportunities to grow.
Food Truck - There's a reason food trucks are on the rise and becoming increasingly popular. People love mobile food. From tacos to sweets, to sandwiches, your food truck can specialize in one type of cuisine or go broad. You will need the funds for a truck to get started and also a good sense of where people congregate for lunch and dinner.
Landscaping - Landscaping is about more than just mowing and trimming the grass. Landscapers have to have an eye for what works, what's going to look good and when things should be planted to ensure the optimal coverage all season long. Landscaping companies work on residences and also commercially speaking, at office parks, retail centers, schools and hospitals for instance.
Personal Trainer - Starting a personal training business can be incredibly rewarding. You're not just guiding your clients through a workout, but rather you're helping them start a lifelong journey to improved health. You're showing them how to tap into their energy and strength and working with them to set monumental goals.
Salon Owner - Becoming a beautician takes some training and licensing, and then once you do attain the certification you get to let your creativity come shining through. Starting a salon, you help people look and feel their best. From hairstyling to manicures, to microblading, working as a beautician is an art form. You have to be able to read your clients, understand what they want, and transform them in a way that brings out their natural beauty.
Tutoring - Teaching is all about creativity. Every student you have will be different and thus every student requires a different approach. You are supplementing what students learn in their classroom while trying to make the material come alive for them in perhaps a new and innovative way. Typically tutors offer sessions ranging from 60-90 minutes. You can meet the student at their home or perhaps a library.
Coach - Coaching is a fairly broad term. And that is perfect for creative types. You can become a life coach, a music coach, even a basketball coach. What you will be doing is helping to train someone or perhaps a small group and thus get them on the path to improvement
What is Your Creative Idea?
Starting a business can be fun, especially if there's a whole lot of creativity involved. Think about what you like to do and see if it's applicable to an idea for a new company. Hopefully, some of these ideas have inspired you. And hopefully, you are ready to take your own creative idea and run with it.
At First Union, we have helped many small businesses grow and thrive. If you are in need of funding, give us a call today!