Auto Repair Company Loans
There are times when if you own an auto repair or body shop, the business can undoubtedly seem slow. As a result, you often find yourself lowering prices to be more competitive and yet, this in and of itself can cause you to suffer. This is not the situation you want to be in.
At First Union, we want to help you stay competitive without having to slash your prices beyond what your auto repair business can sustain. With a variety of loan and credit line products, and with fast and flexible funding, you can get the cash needed, even during the slower times.
Three Reasons You Might Need an Auto Repair Loan
With funding ranging from 4K to 1 million, you can help your body shop or auto repair business thrive. So why might you look into one of First Union’s business loan programs?
You may need new equipment - Staying up to date especially in the auto industry is essential! Diagnostic machines can be pricey, and equipment is also definitely an expensive purchase. With a line of credit or small business loan though, these things are within your reach.
Inventory purchases - Restocking parts, ordering new supplies—these are all things that you have to have in the auto repair field. Otherwise, customers will seek out someone who does: your competitor.
Unexpected expenses - In any business, things come up that are unavoidable—we may not have factored them into the equation, but then lo and behold, there they are nevertheless. It would help if you had the cash to deal with any situation that may arise.
First Union Lending is here to help! We’ve worked with a variety of businesses to include auto repair and body shop owners. With merchant cash advances, lines of credits and business loans that offer quick approval and cash in as little as two days, you owe it to yourself to check out what we can potentially provide you! Give us a call at 863-825-5626.